birthday · family · family photo's

30th Birthday (Part 4) Family Party

The final of the birthday celebrations was a family party at home. We’d planned to do a barbecue, but in true British style, one mention of the word barbecue and the weather was grey and miserable, so we brought the party indoors. The kids played lovely together all day and were making us cups of…… Continue reading 30th Birthday (Part 4) Family Party

birthday · family · Uncategorized

30th Birthday (Part 3) A Family Meal

Some of my favourite memories from my childhood are from Boxing Day parties when all my family would all go to my Nan and Grandad’s for a family party. All the kids would play upstairs whilst the adults were downstairs, and I really loved it. In total there was myself and my sister, plus four…… Continue reading 30th Birthday (Part 3) A Family Meal